ፕረቶር ቢዝነስ ኮሌጅ በድህረ ምረቃ መርሃግብር በሁለት የድህረ ምረቃ ፕሮግራሞች ማለትም 1ኛ. ማስትሬት ዲግሪ በቢዝነስ አድሚንስትሬሽንና
2ኛ. ማስትሬት ዲግሪ ኮንስትራክሽን ማኔጅመንት ለተከታታይ ስምንት አመታት በጥራት አሰልጥኖ የሚያስመርቅ ኮሌጅ ነው። አሁንም ኮሌጁ የአገልግሎት አድማሱን በማስፋት በሁለት የመጀመሪያ ዲግሪ ፕሮግራሞች ማለትም፦ 1ኛ. በማርኬቲንግ ማኔጅመንትና2ኛ. በአካውንቲንግና ፋይናንስ የትምህርት መስኮች እንዲሁም በቴክኒክና ሙያ ከደረጃ 1 እስከ 4 ከፍቶ ትምህርት ፈላጊዎችን በጥራት አሰልጥኖ ለማስመረቅ ዝግጂቱን አጠናቋል። በመሆኑም ከላይ በተጠቀሱት ፕሮግራሞች ተመዝግባችሁ መማር የምትፈልጉ ከዚህበታችበተዘጋጀው ሊንክ በመግባትና በመሙላት ፍላጎታችሁን እንድትገልፁ ስንል እንጠይቃለን።
Follow Registration link Bellow :
6th Batch Graduation Ceremony held at Remarkable Ethio - Cuba Memorial Park, September,9 2023 G.C.
Graduation of Class of 2023 GC. (6th batch) was celebrated on September, 9, 2023 at Ethio-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park. 120 students from MBA and MBA in Construction Management departments, were awarded Masters Degree. Congratulations to Students and Families!
On August, 29, 2023 Gulale Sub City awarded Pretor Business College for Recognition.
On Saturday, August, 26, 2023 Pretor Business College had held annual multi-disciplinary conference which was attended by scholars, academicians, students and representatives of Ministry of construction.
የመፅሃፍ ሽያጭ ጥቆማ
ለኮንስትራክሽን አስተዳደር እና ለኮንስትራክሽን ፕሮጀክት ማናጀሮች እንዲሁም መፅሃፉን ማንበብ እና ጥልቅ
እዉቀትን መገብየት የምትሹ በ 0118123463 እና 0939176893 ላይ እየደወላችሁ ማገኘት ትችላላችሁ፡፡
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Registration for 2023/24 Academic Year Started Pretor Business College (Post Graduate College) is one of the Private higher educational institutions offering post Graduate programs in Ethiopia. Our well-known Post Graduate Programs are: 1. MBA in Construction Management (MBA in CM) and 2. Master of Business Administration (MBA) Registration for 2023/24 Academic Year is in Progress. Registration for 2023/24 Academic Year is in Progress. NB: Registration for both above mentioned post graduate programs commences on 28/04/2023 and ends on 30/04/2025. Registration Can Be Proceeded in person or using our Address: Addisu Gebeya, Sheger Grand Mall, 4th floor, Addis Ababa. Phone number 011 812 3463/ 09 11 73 74 88/ 09 39176893 |
These Theories have already been Declared to the Public on March, 5, 2023 when Dr. Girma Gizaw`s Six Books Inauguration Ceremony was held at Yina Hotel.
Readers are requested to forward their strong and relevant suggestions on these both theories. These will enable the author to shape and publish them as it is Planned to be done in near future time. |
Societal Recycling Theory
Things have never been stagnant and all are in motion. Like any other living things humans born, grow, become old and then after die. This is uninterrupted process. Fortune people who live for 80 or more year can live in never interrupted societal phenomena, such as dissatisfaction, disagreement, dispute, conflict, war, after the stoppage of war, strong law or Rule of law, peace that is planted on the rule of law, justice that is called due to the viability of rule of law and fair competition in the public domains, unfair competition that is resulted from the unlimited and egoistic deeds of humans, which again results in the dis-satisfaction. This uninterrupted recycling events or societal elements are inevitable process and phenomena. Knowing such elements, which are always in motion or in uninterrupted process is relevant for the government bodies, leaders, and individual citizen. Lucky people born grow and become matured during the peace time, dominance of rule of law and fair competition, whereas unlucky people may be surrounded by all negatives and pass through suffering phenomena. Look at the following Figure. Figure 1 |
Two legs one ladder , Two legs Two ladders Theory Two legs Two ladders Theory dedicates that either by their choose or by fate, people become authoritative and decision givers in the pretext that they are serving the people (business men, rich and poor, educated and illiterate , etc.). Government officials are privileged in that they are given shelters, cars or transport allowance, pension up on the retirement, which put them in privileged position not only in terms of their irreversible decision powers but in terms of diverse benefits they obtain during their live time by the merely fact they possess such a particular position. Other not empowered citizens are earning their lives by their labour and sweat for what they are paying a tax to the government authority and other contributions to the degree of sacrificing their only lives for their mother land. Citizens, in particular business communities by their choose or fate are made to take business risks and embark in to the business. These business communities surrounded not only by the conventional business risks, but other constraints, such as induce of government to contribute (in cash) or in kind to the un interrupted and endless country problems, possibly, the problems they themselves the causer, or induce them to share their business directly or indirectly, or pay huge monies to them for the merely fact they issue licenses or renew licenses or make others to issue licenses. Imagine, government officials are double privileged: exploiting all privileges and benefits from the country through their lives by the mere fact they are Qualified formally as the servants of the people. Their pensions are guaranteed; their moral and good will as well in their hands. They are also exploiting the market, through inducing business communities or other service seekers. Thus, such governmental officials are clamping at the same time on the two ladders; ladder one to exploit all benefits and privileges allocated for them due to their positions; ladder two stretching their hands to the business/ market, where illegally, unjust fully, and unfairly collecting monies or benefits from the members of business communities. Imagine, one government official may exploit hundreds and thousands of business actors in the country. Even if the accent is given to the business victims, inducing other citizens to pay a bribe to the officials is unquestionable. These all arguments and thesis are the foundation of Two legs and Two ladders Theory. It is logically un acceptable, anyway, to generalize this theory and make it absolute without jointly looking at the fact of government officials, or government employees, who legally, fairly and just fully rendering services or serving people from bottom of the heart to the extent of their lives, because they are born and made to serve people and they are utmost patriot. These people are clamping only on one ladder with their two legs, that is, they get nothing either money or any other benefits concerned from the business members or citizens, except satisfaction they obtain from their proper services they render to the citizens. These theses are foundation for the two legs one ladder Theory. Figures representing both theories are shown below.
Figure 2 Figure 3 |
Pretor Post Graduate College dispatched 85 graduates on Sept.24/2022 at Gulele Botenical Garden in both departments:
- MBA in Construction Management and
- MBA.
The College's Academic and Support staff heartily wish all 5th batch graduates the best academic and managerial careers!!!
Pretor Business College which greatly emphasises on the quality of education, rather than collecting revenues from incapable entrants has been highly appreciated by the accrediting and regulating Government Body for our College's great effort to assure the quality of education.
Our primay moto is "quality is first".
Thus, be registered and study in our prestigious post Graduate College. Registration for the 2022/2023 Academic year is in process.
Date: 22/11/2014 E.C
Registration for 2022/23 academic year started
Pretor Business College( Post Graduate College) is one of the Private higher educational institutions offering post Graduate programs in Ethiopia. Our well known Post Graduate Programs are:
1. MBA in Construction Management (MBA in CM); and
2. Master of Business Administration (MBA)for Academic year 2022/23 (2015 E.C).
The Registration can be proceeded in person.
Addisu Gebeya, Sheger Grand Mall, 4th floor, Addis Ababa.
Telephone: 011 812 3463/ 09 11 73 74 88/ 09 39176893
Website: www.pretorbusinesscollege.com
Multidisciplinary conference was held on May 28,2022 at Yina Hotel.
Researches were presented by Dr.Girma Gizaw, Dr.Dugassa Mulugeta, Dr. Deribsa Abate, Mr. Fasil Tasew, Mr.Befekadu Belay and Mr. Nebiyu Abebe.
Date:26/05/2022 G.C
Pretor Business College will hold multidisciplinary conference on Saturday, May 28,2022 at Yina Hotel at 8:00 am.
Researches will be present by prominent researches in different fields.
Date: 04/02/2014E.C
Dear potential students, Pretor Business College had decided to attract outstanding students but without strong financial capacity to join our College through the here below provided alternatives which remain valid for this semester with limited registration schedule from Tikimit 5, 2014 E.C until Tikimit 30, 2014 E.C.
Our College is working on quality and earned remarkable reputation for this. Use this opportunities in being registered for our two brand programs namely, Master Degree in Business Administration in Construction Management (MBA in CM) and Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA).
No |
Type of grant |
Number of students |
Mode of entry |
Program |
Remark |
1 |
Full scholarship excluding research and registration fees |
3 |
Examination related to the program |
Full scholarship regards all payments for all courses,( equivalent to 42 cont. hrs. x 1,300 Birr = 54,600 Birr ) Two bridging courses fees : 1500*2=3,000 Birr Plus Research fees (14,000 Birr) and Registration fees (1,100 Birr) subject to payment. |
2 |
50% scholarship excluding research fees and registration fees |
20 |
Examination related to the program |
>> |
50% scholarship regards half of the full scholarship, v.z., 54,600÷2 = 27,300 Birr. Two bridging courses fees, 1,500*2=3,000 Birr plus Research fees (14,000 Birr) and Registration fees (1,100 Birr) subject to payment. |
3 |
25% discount but with research and registration fees |
30 |
General aptitude test |
>> |
25% of discount is equivalent to ¼ of the full scholarship, v.z., 54,600÷4 = 13,650 Birr; Two bridging courses fees (1,500*2=3000 Birr) plus Research fees (14, 000 Birr); and Registration fees (1,100 Birr) subject to payment. |
No |
Type of grant |
Number of students |
Mode of entry |
Program |
Remark |
1 |
Full scholarship excluding research and registration fees |
5 |
Examination related to the program |
Full scholarship regards all payments for all courses,( equivalent to 39 cont. hrs. x 1,100 Birr) = 42,900 Birr; One bridging course fee (1,500 Birr) plus Research fee ( 14,000 Birr) and Registration fee (1,100 Birr) subject to payment; |
2 |
50% scholarship excluding research fees and registration fees |
20 |
Examination related to the program |
>> |
50% scholarship regards half of the full scholarship, that is 42,9000÷2 = 21,450 Birr; One bridging course fee ( 1,500 Birr) plus Research fee 14,000 Birr) and Registration fee (1,100 Birr) subject to payment. |
3 |
25% discount but with research and registration fees |
35 |
General aptitude test |
>> |
25% of discount is equivalent to ¼ of the full scholarship, v.z., 42,900 Birr ÷4 = 10,725 Birr; One bridging course fee ( 1500 Birr) Plus Research fee (14,000 birr) and Registration fee (1,100 Birr) subject to payment. |
Pretor post graduate college dispatched 135 graduates in both departments:
MBA in Construction Management and MBA.
The College Academic and Support staff heartily wish all graduates the best academic and managerial careers!!!
Pretor Business College has successfully Delivered Advanced Research training on the recommended software applications required for the advanced research works to the 4th batch graduating students on July 3 and 4, 2021 (Saturday and Sunday). We express our deep heartful thanks to Dr. Meseret Getinet and Mr. Befikadu Belay, who delivered advanced training during these two days.
Pretor Business postgraduate College
Has held its 3rd Multidisciplinary annual conference at Yina Hotel.
June 6, 2021
Addis Ababa
Dear all/Sir!!!
Pertor Business College has already commenced registration for 5th batch post graduate students for selected post graduate programs, namely;
1.1 MBA in Construction Management (MBA in CM); and
1.2 Master of Business Administration (MBA) for Academic year 2020/21 (2013 E.C).
The Registration can be proceeded both in online and in person.
Addisu Gebeya, Shegera grund Moll, 4th flower Addis Ababa.
Telephone: 011 812 3463/ 09 11 73 74 88/ 09 22 82 12 88
Website: www.pretorbusinesscollege.com
Box: 21192
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir/Madame!
- Our esteemed students! This is to inform you that due to quarantine, declared by the Ethiopian government, our pre-scheduled commencement of the classes was unconditionally changed. Based on circumstances, we will make you know the exact date for the commencement of the classes. However, be aware that the registration for the 2nd semester is going on.
- Taking this opportunity, the College would like to announce that our College renewed its license for both post graduates programs, namely: 1) MBA in Construction Management; and 2) MBA. The license is renewed for 5 years (till August, 2024).
Best regards!
Pretor Business College is glad to announce that the Registration for two Master's Degree Programs (MBA and MBA in Construction Management) is on progress till Yekatit, 30, 2012 (Eth.Calendar). The information is availble by phone 09-11-73-74-88 or 0118-12-34-63. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Address: Addis Ababa, Addisu Gebeya, Sheger Grand Mall, 4th floor.
MBA and MBA in CM students have succesfully completed the 1st semester Final Exams. Bridging Course Classes will start in one week time!